
Create web-to-lead form and embed it on 3rd party website to capture visitors' information

Steps to create Web-to-Lead

  1. Select Setup > Feature Settings > Marketing > Web-to-Lead and click Create Web-to-Lead Form.
  2. Add fields to capture, insert the return URL, and click Generate.
  3. Copy the generated HTML form and paste it on the 3rd party website.

Take note of these 3 lines:

  method="POST" />
<input type="hidden" name="oid" value="<OID-VALUE>" />
<input type="hidden" name="retURL" value="<RETURN-URL-VALUE>" />
  • Line 1: The data will be sent to the URL when the form is submitted
  • Line 2: The <OID-VALUE> is the Organization ID or org id. You can get the Organization ID in Setup > Company Settings > Company Information.
  • Line 3: The <RETURN-URL-VALUE> is where the user will be redirected after they submit the form.


You can modify the form styling as you need. Just make sure the name attribute for all fields is the same as in the Lead object.